millie says wake up and smell the flowers

otherwise put: get unstuck. dr james gordon md is a mind and body medicine psychiatrist-type who wrote a book called U N S T U C K, which outlines 7 necessary stages of getting out of depression. dr gordon thinks that depression, rather than an end-point diagnosis, is a sign that imbalances R us, and depression provides an opportunity to change one’s life. within these 7 are 1) the call that change is necessary 2) meet an inner or existential guide 3) surrender to change equals letting go 4) deal with demons 5) invite despair 6) receive the blessing of spiritual awakening 7) the return which involves making the choice of living each day joyously. this is an intense list of 7 but you can also think of it as waking up to smell the flowers.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says switch from [coffee] beans to roots

switch from beans to roots, if only periodically. so march came in like a lamb, does it go out like a lion or out like a lamb all the same? either way it’s time to start thinking about a spring cleanse. for first time detoxifiers, symptoms can be harsh enough as it is without having to suffer through a caffeine withdrawal headache to boot. the more toxic you are the more initial detox symptoms may present with a headache, fatigue, bowel changes, skin eruptions, moodiness, the desire to stay in bed. advice is to c-c-c-come off the caffeine 3 days prior to the cleanse, used during the cleanse or just all year ’round. made from a variety of roasted roots and toasted grains such as chicory, beet, dandelion, rye, wheat, and barley, figs, acorns by themselves or combined for a malty flavored drink, they’re bitter, comforting and caffeine free. though all toasted products including coffee, may have acrylamide, a likely-carcinogen found in heat-processed carbohydrates, the bitter flavour provides a gentle liver detox in itself without the stimulant effects of coffee. grocery stores carry brand names such as krakus, inca, postum, bambu, Carp, caf-lib or for a gluten-free alternative pick up roasted chicory or dandelion root at health food stores. surprisingly delicious.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says pass the CAGE AUDIT

I once knew a guy who got over alcohol dependency with tablespoons of raw honey every time he wanted a drink.

do you pass the CAGE AUDIT? so you work hard, play harder. you’re an artist, musician, designer, cultural vector representing a minority of the thinking kind, not ‘class’ cuz da politically enlightened dont use that word. networking is part of the game; openings, parties and hopefully free booze. or maybe you daylight-moonlight as a corporati working long hours, spreading yourself thin, just to get to that next position of exclusive perks, keeping it together posturing yourself as hard working clever cool. maybe you have a family and the stress is higher at home than it is at work. or maybe you’re a student or you were a student and got lost between final exams and a job fair in whistler, alberta. or maybe you just got dumped, widowed, orphaned, fired, traumatized or injured, people say you’re fortunate to have survived that one, but you’re not feeling very lucky. you may wonder do you drink socially, socially considering your situation or do you just plain have a problem?

here’s the test, the CAGE questionnaire. a score of 2 or more will encourage you to the AUDIT self-test, The World Health Organization’s Alcohol Use Disorder’s Identification Test. 8 or more could be a reason to seek treatment or support- links below).

1) Two “yes” responses indicate that you should be investigated further. The questionnaire asks the following questions:

  1. Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
  4. Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

2) AUDIT Self Test:

3) Support and Treatment:

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says soak grains in brackish water

soak grains in brackish water. back in the days of pure water and healthy sunshine, grains were kept in outdoor storage units before being hulled thus exposing them to the elements of sun and rain and morning dew. the process of moistening grains in healthy bacteria allows for the neutralization of phytic acid, a compound that keeps minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and calcium bound to phosphate salt rather than nutritionally available in grains. these days, due to faster machinery to do the work grains are not exposed to the elements after they are harvested, thus left in their indigestible state and must be fortified with minerals instead. the result is that grains these days are apt to cause bloating, constipation, diarrhea, celiac, IBS symptoms, ezcema. if sprouting is too daunting but if this is the case then soak all grains overnight in a fermented product such as apple cider vinegar or butter milk in order to alkalinize, soften and prepare the grains for eating.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says get back on the bus

get back on the bus, gus. so you you had been thinking of fixing yourself a delicious dinner but when you get to the grocery store you realize how hungry you are and can only think about chips and cookies. so you manage to remember some of the items you need for dinner but take the first moment after paying to rip open the bag of sezchuan flavored ripple chips and bite into a german molasses cookie. while eating the junk on the way home you realize you had skipped breakfast that day and paid for it with a craving and a subsequent binge. dangerous. as a usual healthy eater who wants to care for yourself as best as possible, you a) call yourself a big fat pig and continue eating the big bag of chips as the world is hopeless anyway b) decide you dont deserve any dinner as you’ve clearly had enough calories for one day and drink water and tea for the rest of the evening c) forge on and make yourself a high protein and vegetable dinner with fish, lentils, tomoatos and cauliflower as you are obviously starving and really need to balance the sugar with some healthy food.

the answer is: (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((())))))))))))))((((((C))))))))))))))))

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says donta mixa meds-ah

donta mixa meds-ah…or at least know which meds not to mix. taking a birth control medication like alesse, the one that’s promoted to be the picture of perfection? or taking the occasional ativan to calm down? taking both? taking the occasional ativan, alesse, and an herbal supplement for energy or concentration like gingko or panax ginseng without the ok from some who knows what’s up? taking the occasional ativan, ginseng and/or ginseng, alesse and over-the-counter anti-histamine, have asked your doctor if it’s ok and they said they didn’t know?  doing the body good by drinking grapefruit a few times per week? can’t get an appointment to see your doctor? can’t get a doctor and have never heard of a naturopathic to ask their advice? having a few beers daily to unwind? can’t afford a naturopath? check it out for yourself. see 7 reasons why these things don’t mix by searching interactions here.

 In some cases you might need to look up the drug or generic name either on the bottle or on the internet.Heath Ledger

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says dont wait to take a mental health day

dont wait until october 10th to take a mental health day. playing hooky involves making up an excuse not to go to work or attend to duties that should be accomplished today. while lying and scamming are never recommended for an enlightened state, a breath of freedom from work can be a means to avoid a doctor’s note tomorrow. the somatization response to stress relies on einstein’s theory of matter, neither capable of being created nor destroyed and thus energy remains inside the body demonstrating physical symptoms as a result of an emotional or psychological state.

Somatization disorder is a somatoform disorder categorized under the psychiatric DSM-IV and establishes the following five criteria for its diagnosis:

  • a history of somatic symptoms prior to the age of 30
  • pain in at least four different sites on the body
  • two gastrointestinal problems other than pain such as vomiting or diarrhea
  • one sexual symptom such as lack of interest or erectile dysfunction
  • one pseudoneurological symptom similar to those seen in Conversion disorder such as fainting or blindness.

…if a rest will prevent it, do it today and let that energy escape into the atmos.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says fix the chocolate

fix the chocolate. cocoa, a naturally brown-not-white- bitter condiment in its cooked form contains caffeine, theobromine, theophyllines and tyramines, is habit forming and hepato(liver)toxic enough to kill a dog. When milk-laden though it’s liver toxic capacity decreases as does it’s nutritional presence and the insulinergic and hyperglycemic strength soars as it takes fat and sugar to boot to get it to taste so sweet. cacao or raw chocolate, however is dried without heat and preserved in it’s natural skin, like a peanut. it is high in antioxidants, minerals such as calcium and magnesium, lower in caffeine. actually relaxing to the central nervous system, a serotonin mimicker, naturally unsweetened, it makes a good afternoon feel-good snack. mix with flax, sunflower seeds and dried cherries for a taste explosion. second fix idea, take hot cocoa flavored with cinnamon or cayenne, salba, stevia or dark maple syrup to get your fix. count chocula has nothing on you.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says dry out for a while

dry out for a while. a month full of merry can pile up like a bowl of rancid jelly. take steps tout de suite to cut the sugar, fat and alcohol to dissuade the cellular metabolites from settling in for a long winter’s nap. dash on, dance on, prance on you vixen straight to your favorite cold winter activity followed by a warm up in a steam, sauna, detoxifying hot house of some tradition. pick a date, like today and give the calorific extras a break. exchange the creamy liquor soaked coffees for hot lemon water or dandelion root and leaf tea first thing in the morning righto and like a comet your liver will be functioning smoothly again by the time the valentine’s cupid rings at your door.

happy new year

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says practice makes good

practice makes good. making good choices, especially over the holidays can be a daily or hourly challenge on the to do list of dietary life. while restricting yourself is cruel, overindulging on empty calories day in day out will mess a body about, leaving nothing but regret and irritability to overcome at new year’s tone. move your health forward, now and all year ’round by resolving moment by moment to take the healthier choice like second helpings of green veggies and squash, the side salad, 1/2 a desert now and another half later, alternating a glass or two of water with the wine, the hazelnut not the jelly or mousse, the whole grain bread, a family walk, cranberries from scratch rather than a can, skipping a round of chocolates, the fish, the lentils…always choose the lentils for goodness sakes!!!

xox dr millie lytle nd