millie says pass the CAGE AUDIT

I once knew a guy who got over alcohol dependency with tablespoons of raw honey every time he wanted a drink.

do you pass the CAGE AUDIT? so you work hard, play harder. you’re an artist, musician, designer, cultural vector representing a minority of the thinking kind, not ‘class’ cuz da politically enlightened dont use that word. networking is part of the game; openings, parties and hopefully free booze. or maybe you daylight-moonlight as a corporati working long hours, spreading yourself thin, just to get to that next position of exclusive perks, keeping it together posturing yourself as hard working clever cool. maybe you have a family and the stress is higher at home than it is at work. or maybe you’re a student or you were a student and got lost between final exams and a job fair in whistler, alberta. or maybe you just got dumped, widowed, orphaned, fired, traumatized or injured, people say you’re fortunate to have survived that one, but you’re not feeling very lucky. you may wonder do you drink socially, socially considering your situation or do you just plain have a problem?

here’s the test, the CAGE questionnaire. a score of 2 or more will encourage you to the AUDIT self-test, The World Health Organization’s Alcohol Use Disorder’s Identification Test. 8 or more could be a reason to seek treatment or support- links below).

1) Two “yes” responses indicate that you should be investigated further. The questionnaire asks the following questions:

  1. Have you ever felt you needed to Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty about drinking?
  4. Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener) to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

2) AUDIT Self Test:

3) Support and Treatment:

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says buy into brown apricots

buy into brown apricots. sulphates are one of the oldest preservatives in food, keeping everything from dried fruits to wine and beer to deli and luncheon meats to sausages to instant potatoes aged just-right for the taste of convenience. these foods made at home would contain health preserving probiotics and sea salt, but for the million-mile diet without the sulphates (sulfates), foods dont keep as long and cost more due to ‘get-what-you-pay-for’ philosophy of cost over quality. key point is that studies show it’s better to keep this nasty preservative out of the diet as it’s been linked to the embarrassing rotten egg smell emanating from you-know-where to food allergies to inflammatory bowel diseases to colon cancer. due to a string of chemical processes that create sulphur-reducing baceria in the gut, your intestines could resemble the sludge at the bottom of from a scottish swamp, and that aint healthy but capable of coroding metal tubes, let alone tissue pipes. here we go: sulphates in food and drink > sulphites > then create a poisonous waste product called hydrogen sulphide (odorous), which to humans, the compound is as toxic as cyanide > in water, it rapidly becomes highly corrosive sulphuric acid. so eat suphur like cabbage and garlic but not sulphates like orange apricots and pastrami.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says milk the underarm

milk the underarm. not quite like the time your friend’s brother made that strange pumping action and accompanying noise with his hand on the opposite armpit…or was it you doing that? massaging the lymph nodes of the under pits dislodges breast swellings, tenderness and stagnant dwellings in the lymph nodes, sending unwanted gooberoo to clearance in the lymphatic duct, located near the heart. for breast disease prevention, males and females can take part in placing the palm of your hand under your underarm and gently pumping this armpit. move it slightly up towards shoulder and in towards body. do this 15 times on both sides.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says calibrate the span of life and health

calibrate the span of life and health. currently north americans suffer most from preventable ‘illnesses of excess’ related to smoking, drinking, poor diets, stress and lack of exercise. Some of these conditions include metabolic syndrome, heart disease, depression, kidney diseases, diabetes type II, infertility and certain cancers. we are living longer but suffering more chronically resulting in a life though lengthy, not necessarily happy. Canada currently ranks 10th on the map of merriment while the land-of-the-free-home-of-the-brave is way down the list at number 23. trudging moderately through the wasteful mounds of temptation to find long-lasting wellbeing as lightness at the end of the tunnel can be achieved by OWNING this chart of science simplified. I said O-W-N it.


xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says tap to heal

tap to heal. there once was an organ who dwells in the chest behind the breast bone or sternum as those detail oriented folks say. lying close to the heart, made stronger by self-love, self-care, joy, prayer and hope it was devoted to helping the body heal itself. its name was thymus gland, an endocrine organ committed to the activation of fighter and helper cells synthesized in the bone marrow. thymus gland would spring into action telling specific white cells to go to the area of weakness, infection when repair and defense was needed. this was a big job especially when it resides within the body of tired, stressed, overworked, overdrugged individuals. thymus gland told me to relay a message to you so that you would enable its ability to heal your body. if it could talk it would say “tap me to heal; I need you to be relaxed to function well; tap me to heal right at the breast bone with the tips of your fingers; coordinated arm and leg movements strengthen me such as swimming, yoga, brain games, marching; tap me to heal gently but with intent; I am nourished by antioxidants, sleep, probiotics, and astragalus; tap to heal me heal you.”

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says gastronomes gather gastric juices

gastronomes gather gastric juices. while foodies may shun the suggestion of keeping meat and bread separate, combining food strategically to benefit digestion is a good tip in times of gastric distress. basic principles of proper food combinations are that simple carbohydrates are digested in the mouth, complex carbohydrates in the small intestine, proteins in the stomach and fats in the intestines. when eating it’s best to avoid eating different food groups (proteins and carbs) to allow enzymatic action to be focused in either stomach or intestines rather than both at once. improperly digested food from stomach and intestines will cause indigestion in the form of burps, rot, bloat, flips and farts. uggh. make it easy on yourself by eating dairy, veg and animal protein with non starchy veggies and fats, complex carbs and starch with non starchy veggies and fats. fruit on its own. not much evidence for or against, but interesting to experiment with for those weak in the digestion. calm with combinations.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says brassicas’ boasts boost

brassicas’ boasts boost. a daily bite from of a raw cruciferous vegetable has been shown to lower estrogen and androgen levels in both sexes due to a family of enzymes called aromatase inhibitors found in collards, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, brussel sprouts, etc. hormone related illnesses are exceedingly common in north american society but present in a variety of ways for men and women. in the XYs conditions such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrous breasts and cancer, low progesterone and a stubborn battle of the bulge, though potentially genetic in nature can be reversed with a daily diet rich in indole-3 carbinols from raw cruciferous vegetables and phytoestrogens found in passion flower and chamomile tea, fermented soy products and flax seeds. likewise in the double Xs estrogen-linked illnesses such as prostate enlargement or cancer, low sperm count, breast tumors, abnormal testosterone levels can be crushed with regular cabbage crunch. Despite these positive benefits, this family of vegetables when eaten raw (best for cancer prevention) have been shown to be goitrogenic and can potentially slow down the uptake of iodine in those susceptible to low thyroid. So keep up with your individual health in mind when choosing the best method of preparation by going for 1 cup of raw in normal thyroid or 1/2 cup of lightly cooked but not nuked, for abnormal thyroid or history.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says diminish dementia

diminish dementia. while Alzheimer’s cannot truly be diagnosed until after the fact of life comes death there are telltale signs that certainly make this form of memory impairment a differential diagnosis. misplacing keys, forgetting where the car is parked, repeating the same story over and over are normal results of aging although become worrisome when these events start happening with rapid frequency and affect daily life. studies show that a combination of vitamin E 400IU, vitamine C 500mg, and omega 3 fatty acids are the nutrients needed to prevent alzheimer’s, in particular. in addition to nutrients, exercising with brain sports or cross training, including whole brain puzzles, right and left brain puzzles such as crosswords, story telling, word associations, suikodo, learning a new language or playing a new musical instrument late in life have been shown to strengthen memory and minimize size of lesions in brain.

the perfect whole brain game: most people are more analytical or left brain dominant. if this is you you’ll see her spining counter-clockwise… either-way. get to her to switch direction.

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says abide by nature’s order

abide by nature’s order. in mathematics where there is an order of operations to follow so that the expected results are achieved, so too in the healing of the body, there is an order of appearance and disappearance. the natural process of disease starts in the superficial organ, being the skin, so often times the skin shows the first signs of ill-health. pimples and rashes are actually helpful as they indicate that a disease is starting. if the superficial symptom is mistreated or ignored the disease will move inward to lungs, bowels, stomach, then joints, internal organs, bones. As the body returns to a healthy harmony the symptoms will disappear in the reverse order as to which they appeared. so even though the psoriasis is the most embarrassing it may disappear last as it is the least important to the overall health of the body. wait for it….

xox dr millie lytle nd

millie says happy hallowe’en

pace the backdoor-trots. signs of increased peristalsis in absence of medical diagnosis include eruptive, disruptive, loose, watery, undigested, non-formed and explosive stools. many reasons may exist for decreased transit time including stress, virus, parasites, stimulants, history of medication use and food sensitivities. to curb Montezuma’s revenge bulk up with soluble and insoluble fibre found in psyllium husk, practice deep breathing exercises-10 breaths at 10x per day; replenish good bacteria with powdered probiotics-acidophillus and bifidus; remove aggressive dairy and other food or drug sensitivities; cut the coffee and cigs, take teas or capsules mades from herbs known to slow that spasm of the colon such as licorice, fenugreek and slippery elm. so no more need to rush to the cry of cock-crow. phewf!

xox dr millie lytle nd