Some great content from – Momentum 21 Day Challenge – Tips for Starting Out

Starting a weight loss program is an exciting adventure with potential pitfalls. Tune into this webinar where Dr. Millie Lytle, Naturopathic Doctor and Certified Nutrition Specialist will teach you how to get your 21 TLS Challenge started off right. Learn the common reasons people fail and 6 reasons why you WILL Success. Sign up with me Dr. Millie at

Group Coaching Weight Loss Challenge Starts Feb 29th -Momentum 21 Day Challenge- Tips for Starting Out #suppsexperts

Source: Some great content from – Momentum 21 Day Challenge – Tips for Starting Out

Some great content from – Naturopathic Doctors for Health Coaches

Naturopathic Doctors for Health Coaches (NDHC) wants to help you improve your supplements knowledge with confidence. We provide Naturopathic Clinical Pearls to help you in your nutritional supplements recommendations. Let’s build a team of confident and knowledgeable health coaches and holi

Source: Some great content from – Naturopathic Doctors for Health Coaches

Blog Transferred to

Hello, uggh, the foils of blogging. It looks like I messed up my blog list and I have been ignoring this list for pretty well 1/2 year or so. I apologize for this as you have missed so many exciting events, like the publication of my book Eating for Meaning Workbook. If you would like to continue to receive these posts then do come on over to Try out a 3 day trial of Face your Food app by contacting me!

Best Health,

Dr. Millie xox

The Food for Mood Diet; hyperglycemia

When it comes to your mood, do you know what you put into mouth affects your brain, your brain chemistry, the health of your brain and your mood? In fact depression and anxiety are related to what’s on your fork and other lifestyle habits, maybe just as much as your experiences, trauma and genetics.  Many nutrient deficiencies, sugar overload and carbohydrate imbalance and poor eating habits mimic symptoms of anxiety and depression. Sometimes an individual cannot even distinguish between the two. Am I depressed or am I hungry?

A) Dietary protein precedes neurotransmitters. If you don’t eat enough good quality protein, you can’t make serotonin. This includes the proteins from good bacteria-organic plain yogurt, kefir, miso, honey, raw apple cider vinegar, tempeh, sauerkraut, kombucha

2) Nutrients like B vitamins, zinc, magnesium help convert proteins into neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and acetylcholine. They are called cofactors.  Antioxidants from green tea, berries, fresh fruits and veggies scavenge free radicals and repair lesions in the brain and arteries

3) Good fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated build brain matter and pad brains cells, helping you think properly. Omega 3s are integral in the diet on a daily basis from algae, wild cold water fish, raw walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, hemp, chia, coconut, avocado and red palm oil. They are anti-inflammatory, maintain thinking, memory, mood, cope with stress and reduce plaque formations. Don’t forget about natural vitamins E  and D3.

This is why I developed the Food for Mood Diet back in 2007, to help depressed patients address their mood issues through diet. Here are the symptoms of too much sugar in the blood.

Symptoms of Hyperglycemia (
Increased thirst, dry mouth
Difficulty concentrating
Blurred vision
Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
Weight loss
Nerve damage (causing painful cold or insensitive feet, loss of hair on the lower extremities, and/or erectile dysfunction)
Mucous membrane and skin infections; slow-healing cuts and wounds
Decreased vision
Stomach and intestinal problems, such as chronic constipation or diarrhea

Do any of them sound familiar? Here’s how you address blood sugar overload.

1) Drink water with lemon when you wake. This will get you revved up in the morning, w/o caffeine. Also, the sour flavor cuts craving for sugar. It reduces stress by switching your nervous system to parasympathetic mode….feel r-e-l-a-x-e-d yet invigorated.

2) Eat breakfast including protein, fiber and good fat. For example: Eat a whole organic egg, a gluten free or Ezekiel toast with 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Put some spinach on it. Have an apple, and a spoonful of organic peanut butter (just peanuts!). Have 1/2 cup of steel cut oats with 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, a handful of raisins, some organic plain yogurt or kefir. Good bacteria stimulate the serotonin receptors in your gut. (Yup you can regulate your mood in your intestines too!)

3) Skip the sugar in your coffee or tea as they raise cortisol levels, which in turn raises blood sugar levels.  Besides caffeine makes your jittery and should be removed for the most part. Did you know that grande from Starbucks has 450mg of anxiety and stress inducing caffeine?

4) Drink organic green tea, it helps reduce blood sugar spikes and increase metabolism.  Take it with a handful of almonds and unsweetened dried cranberries, midmorning.

5) Eat Lunch: Have a cup of miso soup (again, more probiotics), dinner salad with a piece of chicken,tuna, organic tofu or kidney beans with 2-3 cups of salad leaves, fresh herbs, cooked asparagus, a boiled potato, green beans. Think Salad Nicoise and make it your best friend. Never skip the dressing, but always go for the oil and vinegar or balsamic vinaigrette. This lunch is so packed with nutrients, it will help build your mood day by day.

6) Afternoon snack: Eat a piece of dark chocolate or cocoa and coconut milk: (more than 70% and cocoa is the first ingredient). Get rid of that nasty, toxic bleached or colored sugar. It hardens your brain and gives you panic attacks and eventually Alzheimer’s (That is a reason to panic!) Dark chocolate has mood balancing magnesium, and mimickers of serotonin and oxytocin, two hormones that make us feel CALM and LOVED.

7) Absolutely AVOID the all-carb meal: For example; pasta and tomato sauce, dry cereal, plain bagel, roll or crackers, cookies, potato with fat free sour cream. These are empty calories sure to spike your blood sugar, no matter how little you eat. And you will NEVER feel full or well eating only carbs, no matter how much you crave them.  You will never feel happy eating a bad white diet like this, never ever Ever EVER.

This is a feel good lunch! This is a mood building lunch. Does your plate look like this?

Photo credit: Yuula Benivolski half quarter quarter

Add a healthy dressing of choice: 1 tablespoon of raw olive oil and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon or Bragg’s Amino sauce or  tahini or miso or raw apple cider vinegar.

NDNR The Food for Mood Diet

xox Dr. Millie ND oxo

Dr. Millie’s Cordials

I encourage you to maximize the tremendous benefits that nature provides on a daily basis, as much as you possibly can by eating, drinking, smelling, listening and feeling nature.  To you, this might be the sound of the waves or the birds helping you feel peaceful. The relaxation felt when hot sand is under your feet.  The softness of a lamb’s ear, the plant or the animal.  The smell of a rose in your neighbors yard or a bunch of lilies on your dining room table. These senses are signficiant! For instance there are health benefits to the aroma of rosemary in that it clears the sinuses and breaks up congestion in the nose. The tastes of caraway and fennel reduce gas and bloating in the intestines. The spice of ginger rushes your circulation, warming a body when it’s chilled.

Everything natural to the planet is medicinal in some shape or form.  One can extract the nutrition from seeds, spices, herbs, roots, flowers, leaves, shoots, stems, mushrooms and fruit. Add raw honey, maple and other special sweeteners allow a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.  Traditionally beer, wine, pickles, and apperitives had a therapeutic benefit. When you consume the right things in small amounts, they DO!

Here’s what I am brewing in my cauldron 1) Ginger Kombucha, 2) Winter to Spring Cordial (pictured on the left), 3) Immune sipper (pictured on the right).



These little liquid gems delight me visually and the fact they are healthy appeals to me 10 fold. They will be sold  come spring. Do stay tuned.

xox Dr. Millie oxo

PS: Some yeasts, when added to the fermentation of wine, reduces its alcohol content and preserves the flavor….maybe it enhances nutrition too!


Why the Paleo Diet Didn’t Work for Fred Flintstone

I wrote an original piece for the Dance Current’s March/April Edition on the Paleo Diet, so for this blog post, I’ve lessened the serious and expanded the fun and had a little fun comparing Fred Flintstone’s Diet with the Paleo Diet, as developed by Dr. Loren Cordain, PhD. If you’re going to do the Paleo Diet, make sure you do it the right way, or you might end up like Fred Flintstone.  Originally posted here:


By Dr. Millie Lytle ND, CNS

The Paleo Diet is on the minds of many. Paleo man, Fred Flintstone, his fitter pals Barney and Mr. Slate and their statuesque wives Wilma and Betty might have this in common with you. In your search for youth, longevity and beauty, the Paleo Diet, promising a svelte figure and fast metabolism might be on the tip of your tongue. But the problem is, the Paleo Diet is misunderstood, and mistaken for an all-meat-all-the-time diet, which it was never meant to be. Fred is a key example of how NOT to do the Paleo Diet.

Fred Flintstene a paleolithic couch potato

The modern day Paleo Diet, named after the purported diet of the Stone-Age man, was invented by Dr. Loren Cordain PhD as an antidote for the current agriculture-based diet, which has proven to be rich in cereal grains, starch, sugar processed foods, and recently thought nutritionally responsible for diabetes and several common diet-related inflammatory conditions.
Due to some other benefits such as being high in protein and low in sugar it may also increase lean muscle mass, fuel the body’s resting metabolism and improve energy. Even through Fred Flinstone lived in the Stone Age himself, he didn’t do the modern Paleo Diet properly because, while he ate a lot of protein, he didn’t follow  all 7 principles.

  1. Higher protein intake-19-35% of daily intake from wild and grass-fed animal products.
  2. Lower glycemic index – Non-starchy fresh fruits and vegetables approximating 35-45 %
  3. Higher fiber intake –  as represented by low starch  vegetables and legumes
  4. Moderate to higher fat intake dominated Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats- approximately  20-46%
  5. Higher potassium and lower sodium intake – Unprocessed and fresh green foods contain 5 to 10 times more potassium than sodium. The average American eats double the sodium to potassium.
  6. A net alkaline to acid ratio in the kidneys, ensures no more than 35% of diet is meat.
  7. Higher intake of whole, unprocessed and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Done with the national food guide and it’s carb heavy recommendations?


Key Paleo foods include: Grass-produced meats, Fish/seafood, Fresh fruits and veggies, Eggs, Nuts and seeds, Healthful oils (Olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut). Proportions matter.  While the traditional Paleo Diet doesn’t include lentils, pulses and legumes, I think that’s a little extreme.  

In order to maximize your Paleo efforts you’ll need to remove: Cereal grains, Peanuts, Dairy, Refined sugar, Potatoes, Processed foods, Salt, Refined vegetable oils.

Why was Fred out of shape? Because he didn’t eat vegetables, balance his sodium/potassium or acid/alkaline. Additionally, Fred was a couch potato and had the lifestyle of modern man, despite his high meat diet. He was one stressed-out couch potato. In Paleolithic times, where man normally would have been running from dinosaurs and saber tooth tigers, Fred was driving his car all over the place, and watching TV. The only exercise he got was bowling and yelling.  But because he was stressed out, his insulin was high, so he was storing fat around his belly.  Let this be a lesson to you.  If you’re going to go Paleo, abide by all the steps. Don’t cherry pick your favorites just so you can eat more meat.

You can see how far we’ve come. You might be asking yourself what was the purpose of agriculture at all, if it wasn’t to make us live longer and healthier and more beautiful? The last guy is really not so far from Fred at all.



Let me know your take on the Paleo Diet.

Dr. Millie ND, CNS

Check Out More From Dr. Millie Lytle, ND on Google+!


Meet and Greet on Friday

In Nueve York? Come meet and greet with me, Dr. Millie, Naturopathic Doctor, Nutritionist, Hypnotist and Radio Host at a Holistic Bazaar on Friday January 10th from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Meta Center
214 W 29th St # 16, New York, NY 10001
I will be demo antioxidant scanning (SPECIAL $10, save $15), Eating for Meaning and discuss plans for living healthy until 120 years. There will be other great vendors as well, chocolate, juice, massage…basically you can come meet the spiritual and alt health up and comers of New York’s holistic scene. xox
Book a mini sesh in Advance:

— at META Center New York.


Happy New Year Detox 101

Small steps towards 120 years old.

Detox 101

After the holidays I feel like a gentle detox, and know this is important.

I drink hot lemon water. There are so many uses for it including:

  • flushes toxins from your liver

  • stimulates a bowel movement

  • increase fat digestion by stimulating bile

  • reduces cholesterol

  • flushes small gall stones

  • improves your mood.

Never add sugar or sweet to your lemon water. Take it dilute 1 tsp per 1 cup of hot water, and increase strength from there as your taste allows.

May yours be filled with creativity, health, love, friendship and abundance!