millie says brassicas’ boasts boost

brassicas’ boasts boost. a daily bite from of a raw cruciferous vegetable has been shown to lower estrogen and androgen levels in both sexes due to a family of enzymes called aromatase inhibitors found in collards, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, brussel sprouts, etc. hormone related illnesses are exceedingly common in north american society but present in a variety of ways for men and women. in the XYs conditions such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibrous breasts and cancer, low progesterone and a stubborn battle of the bulge, though potentially genetic in nature can be reversed with a daily diet rich in indole-3 carbinols from raw cruciferous vegetables and phytoestrogens found in passion flower and chamomile tea, fermented soy products and flax seeds. likewise in the double Xs estrogen-linked illnesses such as prostate enlargement or cancer, low sperm count, breast tumors, abnormal testosterone levels can be crushed with regular cabbage crunch. Despite these positive benefits, this family of vegetables when eaten raw (best for cancer prevention) have been shown to be goitrogenic and can potentially slow down the uptake of iodine in those susceptible to low thyroid. So keep up with your individual health in mind when choosing the best method of preparation by going for 1 cup of raw in normal thyroid or 1/2 cup of lightly cooked but not nuked, for abnormal thyroid or history.

xox dr millie lytle nd

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